Azzule Releases Supply Chain Graphic

Azzule’s “Supply Chain Graphic” provides a color-coded visual summary of your full supply chain, displaying supplier compliance status using the Compliance Grids to trace the movement of data from those clients source from to those customers they sell to. This feature takes the management by exception concept to an entirely new level by assisting those charged with monitoring food safety in identifying outliers within their supply chain. It eases executive review, providing peace of mind to confidently sell their products. Read on »


Updates & News

New Feature 
Released April 2019
Azzule Audit Tracker 

With our promise to continually improve our program to better meet the changing needs of food industries, we've added the capability to view the status of your PrimusGFS audits as well as send and retrieve preliminary audit reports as a function of your Azzule Supply Chain site. Read on »
Cheering for Cherries: Season Began May 1st

The PrimusLabs pesticide residue laboratory has readied itself for cherry testing, using its Multi-Residue Screen (MRS) Extended Plus, its most extensive screen, which tests for over 350 chemical compounds. The list of compounds is tailored toward chemicals specifically used in the fresh produce industry.
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New PrimusGFS v3.1 Coming July 2019 visit

Azzule will release the updated PrimusGFS Version3.1. on July 17, 2019. The major impetus for changes to Version3.1. came largely from the very productive feedback provided by our clients, including . . .     Read on »

Book Review

There is plenty of sage advice for the fresh produce industry in the pages of Timothy D. Lytton’s latest book Outbreak: Foodborne Illness and the Struggle for Food Safety. While Outbreak covers a wide range of food industries, the first chapter “Trouble in the Field” is devoted exclusively to fresh produce.

Lytton laments the fact that investigations into most pathogen outbreaks do not result in the identification of the source of the contamination. Without a finding, food safety is reduced to speculation, and improvements cannot be realized. Lytton urges. . . Read on »

Review of Timothy D. Lytton’s Outbreak: Foodborne Illness and the Struggle for Food Safety

by Joseph Myers
Primus Group 
Communication Specialist

Trainings & Events

Azzule Systems
Supply Chain Site Training

Please join us Monday, August 19th or Wednesday, August 21st at 10:00 am PDT (English) or 12:00 pm PDT (Spanish) for a webinar-training on your Azzule Platform, featuring the Operations Module!  To register and to view all our upcoming trainings go to 

Register Here
Primus Labs
IAFP July 21-24, 2019
Booth 630

Primus Group will be one of the exhibitors at the International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting to be held July 21-24, 2019, in Louisville, Kentucky. Representatives of both PrimusLabs and Azzule will be on hand to answer questions about lab testing, audit updates, and the compliance grids and supply chain graphic, the new tools available through the Azzule Platform. Come see us at Booth 630!

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