The Azzule app is here!Leverage the power of Azzule for your logs and record-keeping data! Find out how you can enhance your Azzule platform, streamline compliance programs, and better manage operations with granular data collection with the Azzule app.Learn More
Reducing time, cost, effort, and uncertainty for Food Importers with FSVPOur core support team was formed to alleviate the added pressure of complying with FSMA's Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) rule. Azzule provides the full-service support owner / operators and Qualified Individuals (QI) need to save time, reduce cost, and eliminate uncertainty around FSVP compliance.TALK TO A SPECIALISTLEARN MORE
Get the Core FSVP Template Starter PackDownload essential templates for FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) compliance designed by Azzule's Core Support compliance experts.Download FSVP Starter PackFSVP SOPHAZARD ANALYSISSUPPLIER EVALUATION
The Azzule PlatformIntegrated, Controlled, Smart & WholeSmart configuration and automation makes a world of difference. Azzule is redefining compliance and data management with its fully integrated supply chain environment.Learn More
Collaborating for a Complete ChainWe’re working with food safety laboratories, auditing companies, scheme owners, training and compliance development partners to deliver their verification activities and compliance documentation directly to the Azzule platform.Laboratory IntegrationAuditing Integration
Spend More Time Being the Expert That You AreWith the Azzule Platform, experience improved compliance rates, reduced time preparing for audits and FDA inspections, and automation to reduce headaches and time with the Azzule platform gathering documentation for or retrieving documentation from buyers and suppliers.Request a Demo
Your Compliance Data, Powered by AzzuleManaging compliance programs can be complex and time-consuming. That's why we offer a dynamic, flexible, and scalable platform to support your business needs.Lern MoreThe Azzule platform is designed to help you streamline your compliance programs, whether it's safety, sustainability, social responsibility, quality, organics, or any other compliance program.
Connect & ComplySay goodbye to silos and hello to streamlined purchasing and expedited sales! Integrate all your vendors, suppliers, operations, and departments into one secure, cloud-based platform. Azzule's advanced management tools can provide executives with a big-picture overview of the company's supply chain partners and compliance statuses at a glance.Register Today!
The Azzule app is here!Leverage the power of Azzule for your logs and record-keeping data! Find out how you can enhance your Azzule platform, streamline compliance programs, and better manage operations with granular data collection with the Azzule app.Learn More
Solutions for a Fully Engaged Supply Chain
Supplier Management
Azzule simplifies supplier management helping to monitor compliance. Ask us about our supplier onboarding strategies!
Auditing Solutions
The Azzule Auditing Software provide digital audit collection for maximum analytic capabilities for any certification program along with our certification ownership of globally recognized certification programs.
Compliance Solutions
Azzule goes beyond data management by offering color-coded compliance grids that simplify monitoring of any compliance program.
Supply Chain Solutions
The Azzule platform allows you to manage and market all of your food safety documents in an easy-to-use & inexpensive platform. Transfer document packages directly to your customers in a secure and traceable chain.
Laboratory Integration
Our granular Laboratory Information Management System allows for the management, transfer, & analysis of microbiological & pesticide residue testing results, as well as the connection to any laboratory data via APIs and similar technology.
Analytics & Reporting
Through its collection of granular laboratory & auditing data, Azzule can perform predictive & comparative food safety analyses.

Azzule Platform
Join the Azzule platform and activate your supply chain! Connect your vendors, suppliers, and customers to create your digital Supply Chain. House, review, and transfer documentation for any type of program from safety, sustainability, quality, regulatory, and more! Centralize your whole team within Azzule to streamline communications, expedite sales, and watch your business grow!
An Azzule Supply Chain isIntegratedControlledIntelligentActionableWhole
An Azzule Supply Chain isIntegratedControlledIntelligentActionableWhole
Looking to enhance your analytic capabilities with granular audit data? Look no further than the Azzule Auditing Software. Dynamic and scalable for any audit certification program. Find out more about how Azzule can boost your audit experience!
Top Performing Schemes, Powered by Azzule

PrimusGFS is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked and fully recognized Certification Program covering both Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) scopes, as well as Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS). The GFSI recognition of the PrimusGFS Certification Program helps move the produce industry one step closer to the desired goal of global food safety harmonization. The PrimusGFS Certification Program covers the scope of the supply chain from pre- and to post- farm gate production and provides an integrated supply chain approach.
Primus Standard Audits
Primus Standard Audits (from the legacy of PrimusLabs GAP & GMP) is focused on the food safety of agricultural sector products (including horticultural, grains, and pulses) designated for human consumption. Primus Standard Audits establish a series of requirements for managing the production, handling, processing, and storing operations and provides an integrated supply chain approach.
Sustainability Standard
IPM Institute of North America's Sustainable Food Group and the PrimusGFS and Azzule teams have created the Sustainability Standard in an effort to provide the best options for our clients and the industry.