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Azzule Releases Supply Chain Graphic Tool

Azzule’s Compliance Grids, released in October 2018, allows clients to customize compliance criteria to address their firm’s compliance expectations, their compliance with FSMA or the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA), any specific customers’ expectations, or any hybrid of the above. Azzule’s latest major update to the Azzule Platform is the Azzule “Supply Chain Graphic”, which was released in April 2019. Azzule’s “Supply Chain Graphic” provides a color-coded visual summary of your full supply chain, displaying supplier compliance status using the Compliance Grids to trace the movement of data from those clients source from to those customers they sell to. This feature takes the management by exception concept to an entirely new level by assisting those charged with monitoring food safety in identifying outliers within their supply chain. It eases executive review, providing them with the peace of mind to confidently sell their products. The “Supply Chain Graphic” can greatly simplify monitoring of supplier compliance. Benefits include:
  • Executive level summary of who clients source from & who they sell to
  • Simple graphical outline of compliance status
  • Ability to easily identify outliers in order to expedite corrective responses
  • Real-time approval capability pulled directly from Azzule Compliance Grid activity
  • Color-coded features to allow quick review of approval status
  • Expandable display showing multiple tiers of suppliers connected via the Azzule Compliance Grids
  • Filters to review pertinent information based on compliance status, product, or location
Azzule can offer first-time users a user manual to help them navigate the Azzule “Supply Chain Graphic” and will also be conducting webinars in the following months to provide training on this release, as well as its other new features. Invitations for our webinars will follow.